Thursday, October 10, 2013

Tourist Activities in Costa Blanca

Tourists can find many intriguing activities in the area near the Costa Blanca. Tourist activities in Costa Blanca can range anywhere from golfing to deep sea fishing, scuba diving to horseback riding. All sorts of fun can be found for those willing to search, all without the corny tourist only locations and catered events. These things are fun for the locals as well, and you’ll be able to mingle with all sorts of interesting people.

The golfing in Costa Blanca is well established, with more than 20 courses spread throughout the region. It isn’t difficult to plan a day trip to one or two of these renowned courses to golf a few holes.

Sea fishing trips have been established in the fishing port of Santa Pola, and going out on a boat is just as easy as querying a few captains in the port town, or asking around about day trips. If you don’t want to head out with a captain and fish, coastal fishing is available just a few miles down the beach from the port.

Scuba diving is also a very common activity out of Santa Pola. Several diving schools offer courses on scuba diving and the use of scuba gear, and often do trips a few kilometers offshore near the Isla de Tabarca, a protected marine reserve. Schools of fish are not a rare sighting in the beautiful clear water of the Mediterranean Sea near this small island. Although this area is protected, and therefore scuba is prohibited, the outside of this zone is still quite an amazing sight.

Horseback riding trips are available in the area as well. Many hotels do deals with stables to give guests a day trip to explore the foothills around the area. Yachting and other popular water travel activities are catered to in Santa Pola and Alicante. Tourist activities in Costa Blanca are nowhere near few and far between, and only beg for further investigation.

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